about this SERIES

Thriving is not no problems, it’s not no opposition, it's not no adversity, it's not a spa day, it's not a nice day off, it's quite the opposite. You don’t Thrive in spite of difficult circumstances; you thrive because of them. You can't spell testimony without the 1st four words. You have to pass the test. The greatest mountains we climb in life are the hardest, but they give us the greatest view. This series starts with the growth mindset. 

A word used to describe Gods people thriving in the bible is flourishing. In His Word, God pictures flourishing through trees. He tells us that the righteous flourish like the palm tree, in the courts of our God, producing fruit in old age, always green and full of sap (Psalm 92). Yet, the only righteousness we will ever know is the righteousness of Christ because the only sin Jesus ever knew was ours (A.W. Tozer). And therefore, worship is the seedbed for thriving. This is an 8-week series looking at every aspect of our lives relational, spiritual, emotional, physical, mental and vocational health, in order to give us the tools to thrive not just survive this God given life. 

Sermon series overarching question:

Where are you planted? Where is your hope planted? 

Key Verse:

Psalm 92:12

The righteous flourish like the palm tree, in the courts of our God, producing fruit in old age, always green and full of sap 

Catch up with the sermons




Sunday 15th September 2024

Thrive Against All Odds

Psalm 92 v12-15

Sunday 22nd September 2024

Relational Health

Psalm 92 v12-15

Sunday 13th October 2024

Emotional Health

Psalm 92 v12-15

Sunday 27th October 2024

Spiritual Health

Psalm 92 v12-15 & Mark 1 v1-11

Sunday 3rd November 2024

Stop Lying To Yourself

Psalm 92 v12-15 &

1 Kings 19 v3-18

Sunday 10th November 2024

Mental Health

Psalm 92 v12-15 & Mark 5 v21-42

Sunday 24th November 2024

Vocational Health

Psalm 92 v12-15

Homegroup Notes

Session 1

Psalm 92 v12-15


Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

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