Get to know us

Everyone is welcome!

We believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty,

maker of heaven and earth

Our passion and commitment is for people to encounter the living and powerful God. 

As a local church we are a community of everyday people in which Jesus is central in all we do.

We seek to embrace the local community we live in, with the love, hope and goodness that emanates from our compassionate and faithful God.

We have a strong sense of community with love for one another. Adults and children of all ages are encouraged to learn about the Christian faith, the role of the church locally, nationally and worldwide.

Maybe today, you have just started to explore more about the Christian faith, we would like to be a part of your journey and help you answer any questions you may have. 

We look forward to welcoming you Into our church community and supporting you on your journey of faith. We’d love to share our own experiences and to hear your story and help you with any questions you might have. 

The members of this Church have a heart for mission.

This includes reaching those who live in our local community and supporting national and overseas missions.

Our Vision

Our prayer is that Findon Valley Free Church will increasingly become a vibrant all-age, worshipping fellowship where:

  • God continues to build His Church.

  • Everyone will feel welcome and able to integrate happily.

  • Where the unchanging message of the Gospel is communicated in words and actions that are relevant to our community today.


Welcome Pack

Download the Welcome Pack
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“Our heart & soul is to connect people with the living and powerful God.”

The Beginnings

The beginnings of our church go back to the late 1800’s when meetings were first held in a cottage in Nepcote, then in a Chapel built between 1875-80.

In 1937 a process commenced to seek a more appropriate site in Findon Valley, and in November 1939 a sectional timber building was opened in Hill View Road.

The site on which our church stands today was purchased in 1955, and the building opened in 1958.

The Beginnings

The beginnings of our church go back to the late 1800’s when meetings were first held in a cottage in Nepcote, then in a Chapel built between 1875-80.

In 1937 a process commenced to seek a more appropriate site in Findon Valley, and in November 1939 a sectional timber building was opened in Hill View Road.

The site on which our church stands today was purchased in 1955, and the building opened in 1958.

Our Mission

The mission of our church is to bring awareness of God’s Truth.

We aim, under God’s guidance and through the empowering of the Holy Spirit:

  • To glorify God in our worship, our service and in Christ-like living.

  • To reach Findon Valley and beyond with the love of God in Jesus Christ.

  • To bring people to commitment to Jesus Christ and to the membership in his family.

  • To bring believers to maturity in Christ and to equip them for their ministry in the Church and the World.

If you wish to become a part of our church or a volunteer to help those in need,

please get in touch via phone, email, social or pop in.

Meet The Team

Rev Allie Moore - Senior Minister at FVFC

Rev Allie Moore


There are many people involved at the front and behind the scenes at Findon Valley Free Church.  Each person is here to serve the community and people attending our church services and activities. 


The leadership team and all those who contribute to the effective running of your local church, look forward to meeting with you at one of our many services or activities. 


If you are considering attending our church for the first time then please feel free to approach any member of the team for more information. 


We look forward to serving our community with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Rev Allie Moore - Senior Minister at FVFC

Rev Allie Moore


There are many people involved at the front and behind the scenes at Findon Valley Free Church.  Each person is here to serve the community and people attending our church services and activities. 


The leadership team and all those who contribute to the effective running of your local church, look forward to meeting with you at one of our many services or activities. 


If you are considering attending our church for the first time then please feel free to approach any member of the team for more information. 


We look forward to serving our community with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. 





The Diaconate

Norman Michell

Pastoral Oversight & Prayer


David Rycroft


Rosamund Tolley

Iain Taylor

Mission & Homegroups


Pete Hemsley

Buildings & DBS


Tina Hemsley

Interested in membership?

Come and talk to us, give us a call or send us an email.

Email us:
You can also find us here:
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